BNYC3 Verslag van YahnathanH

Thanks for your report about your experiences during the Third Congress of Bney Yosef!

Yahnathan's Blog

We have reached a certain point of recognition between both houses which is slowly progressing.

There is mutual respect however still somethings are unknown and confusing. (Love, the Land, and our Father are our connectors)
We have to keep faith in the Father to follow Him and show that we are prepared to listen to Him at all costs. (He has to be our strength and guide)

We have been talking a lot about raising a Youth group and teach all younger children their Identity factor and love for the Land.

So far motivating the younger people in Identity is a way of living and acting, I have heard Ideas about children books that could explain in a simple way who we are as Ephraim/Israel.
We had great people for the worship team and also for guiding tours etc.. It all went well with joy and in one harmony.

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