Hannah’s Song: A Gift from Abba

A few years ago, Ephraim & Rimona Frank’s daughter, Hadar, received a song from Abba. Later, Devorah Kueng (who attended the First Eprhaimite Congress) recorded it. It is in Hebrew, based on 1 Samuel 2:1-2, 6-7, Hannah’s Song. Here is the English translation of the lyrics:

My heart rejoices in יהוה;
My horn is exalted in יהוה.
I smile at my enemies,
  because I rejoice in
  Your salvation.
No one is holy like יהוה,
  for there is none besides
  You, nor is there any
  rock like our Elohim.
יהוה kills and makes
  alive; He brings down to
  the grave and brings up.
יהוה makes poor and
  makes rich; He brings
  low and lifts up.

Listen to “Hannah’s Song”

Bron: http://etzbneyyosef.com/

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